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Jordann Gross

Serious Game theory: The Learning Ladder

This visual is to explain how learning improves when you let people engage with the information in ways where they tie both their experience and emotion to it. Think of learning as a ladder. To reach the upper level where most learning is retained, you will need the lower levels (some elements or in some form), like climbing a ladder. No level is more important than the others. The same… Read More »Serious Game theory: The Learning Ladder

Serious Game theory: 7 Serious Game elements

The Serious Gamers see a clear need to help people better understand what transforms playing a (fun) game into a full learning experience. As a starting point we let ourselves be inspired by the book Gamestorming, which does a good job of describing 5 game elements. We added two new elements and made some slight tweaks to existing ones. We hope this solves confusion that seems to come up when… Read More »Serious Game theory: 7 Serious Game elements

Serious Game poster: Farmers Challenge

Inspired by the #play14 community, here is our facilitation poster for the Farmers Challenge. Original instructions [web].If you enjoyed this serious game being facilitated by The Serious Gamers, there might have been a slightly updated version, with which we will update this blog post in the future.